Where is Arles in France? The location of Arles in France

Where is Arles in France? The geographical location of Arles in France


Arles is located in the south of France in a region called Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and a department called Les Bouches-du-Rhône.
The geo coordinates of Arles are : 43°40′41″N 04°37′46″E


Arles is 745 km from Paris the capital of France (about 9 hours by car but 3 hours only by TGV train)

Where is Arles in France?

A map to locate Arles in France



Next to Arles biggest and most known cities are:

Arles map and surroundings

Arles map and surroundings


To find an address in Arles use our Arles Map
To find direction around Arles or to Arles use Google Map

About Arles geography
The Rhône river forks into two branches just upstream of Arles, forming the Camargue delta. Because the Camargue is administratively part of Arles, the commune as a whole is the largest commune in Metropolitan France in terms of territory, although its population is only slightly more than 50,000. Its area is 758.93 km2 (293.02 sq mi), which is more than seven times the area of Paris.

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